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Sunday, March 22, 2009

(15) Spring Cleaning, and a sickly Mickey

Another free Sunday with no plans. The weather started out a little chilly, but eventually warmed up into the low 60's around noon. Amber spent the morning in Shelbyville visiting some out-of-state relatives that were in town. I played with the thought of heading across the street for a game of golf or time at the driving range, but I couldn't get a hold of anyone to play with. Probably the biggest reason in dispatching the golf idea was the fact that my garage was looking pretty pitiful. It was bothering me quite a bit so I threw open the garage doors, turned up the radio, and started my spring cleaning ritual. Was certainly a good time to do it since the Neon is at the shop, leaving extra room to sort things out. I changed the layout of my workbench and some shelving to make things a little easier to access when I'm working out in the garage, and to save space. I spent the about the whole day moving, vacuuming, cleaning, and fixing little things around the garage. It's definately looking a lot better, plus I pinned up an American flag on the wall above where the Neon parks.

After finishing up the garage I remembered that the new H3 halogen headlamp for the Firebolt came in the mail on Friday, so I decided I'd fix the burnt out bulb. It was a simple procedure, but one that had to be figured out manually as there is no mention of headlight replacement in the owners manual. What would probably have been a $150 donation to the local Harley dealer turned out to be a 20 minute $40 fix in my garage. It doesn't get much better than that!

Amber and I noticed that one of our Mickey Mouse Platies in the aquarium was acting a bit strange, hiding in the corners of the tank and being pretty inactive. Ironically, it was the same fish that had established dominance of the group when I first brought them home. I named him Mickey since he's the leader of the pack, just like Mickey Mouse is the top icon for Disney. It looks like the other 4 fish must have gotten tired of his crap and finally laid a beating on him. It must have been one good fight, because Mickey seems terrified and would always hide in the corner of the tank behind the filter tubes. I netted him out of the community tank and put him in the quarantine tank to give him a chance to heal without further injury. His tail fin has been nipped off at the top, and his eyes are a bit glazed over. Let's hope for the best for Mickey, and that they can all get along one he's put back in the community tank. Otherwise I'll have to get some bigger fish in there to calm those Platies down. They are getting a little too spoiled being in that huge tank by themselves!

Until next time...

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